Sunday, October 25, 2015

Red Ribbon Week!

Join us in our Red Ribbon Week Festivities!
Monday: Pajama day!
Tuesday: Tacky day!
Wednesday: Wear red and crazy socks!
Thursday: College Day!
Friday: Book Character day!

Monday, October 5, 2015

1st Grade News Splash! October 2015!

Upcoming Events:


10/8 PBL Presentation Day

10/9 Teacher Workday/ Fall conferences

10/12 Columbus Day– No School

Spelling Words:

Spelling words are crucial to your child’s success in 1st grade. Practicing spelling words can help with reading fluency and comprehension. Our spelling words correlate to the phonics lessons to ensure success. Make sure to practice the words each night!
In language arts this month, we will be focusing on singular and plural nouns (regular-adding s and irregular-adding es, ies, ves etc.), using determiners such as a, an, and the, and proper nouns.
In math this month, the focus is developing base ten number sense. We will be discussing grouping items to make them easier to count, place value (hundreds place, tens place, ones place), as well as comparing numbers using place values.
Science/Social Studies:
This month we will be finishing up our first PBL project on weather! Yay! We hope to see you on presentation day! Coming up, we will be discussing folktales as well as the historical roles of Lewis, Clark, Sacajawea, and Thomas Jefferson.
This month, we are focusing on narrative fairy tale writing. Narrative story that starts with "Once upon a time" and has a beginning middle and end. We will also continue to work on informative writing.
We will continue to work on building reading comprehension and fluency. When reading books with your child, have them discuss the characters and setting. Also, discuss with the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Nightly Reading:
Please make sure your child is reading every night!
  • Your child can read to you.
  • Your child can read independently.
  • You can read to your child.
  • As long as they are reading!! :)

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